The Process: Nucs, Shaking, Caging, Packaging

The Process: Nucs, Shaking, Caging, Packaging

The Process: Nucs, Shaking, Caging, Packaging

Beekeeping is an intricate art, a dance with nature that demands precision and care. Within this fascinating world, a series of steps unfold, shaping the journey from the creation of nucs to the meticulous processes of shaking, caging, and packaging. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into each stage, demystifying the intricacies of our beekeeping process.

Creating Strong Foundations: The World of Nucs

1. Nucs

The term "nuc" stands for nucleus colony, and is essentially a small, starter colony of bees. Creating nucs is a strategic step in beekeeping, offering various advantages. These mini colonies typically consist of a small number of frames with brood, worker bees, and a queen cell/unmated queen. While not a sustainable long term colony, nucs provide beekeepers with the flexibility to raise queens, introduce new genetics, and mitigate risks associated with hive losses. 

2. Selection of Frames and Colonies

The process begins with the careful selection of frames and colonies. Beekeepers choose frames containing healthy brood, a sufficient number of worker bees, and resources such as honey and pollen. The chosen frames become the building blocks for nucs, ensuring they have the essential elements for growth and development.

3. Introduction of Queens

A nuc is not a large enough hive to sustain a colony long term. They primarily exist to raise queen bees, or establish a colony to be transported into a larger hive in the future. A nuc colony must be established without a queen, so the introduction of an unhatched queen will not cause conflict amongst the worker and nurse bees. Once the queen hatches and successfully mates, she can remain in the hive to further increase colony strength, or be removed and caged to be used to re-queen another colony later.  If this is the case, a new queen cell may be introduced to continue the queen-rearing cycle. If she remains, colony strength will likely out-grow the small size of the nuc, and will need to be transferred to a larger space to maintain the colony.

4. Nurturing and Monitoring

Once established, nucs require careful nurturing and monitoring. Beekeepers observe the growth of the colony, ensuring that the queen is laying eggs consistently, worker bees are actively foraging, and the overall hive dynamics are conducive to a thriving colony. Regular inspections during this phase lay the foundation for strong and resilient colonies.

Shaking Things Up: The Art of Shaking Bees

1. Purpose of Shaking

Shaking bees is a technique employed by beekeepers to manage and manipulate bee populations. The primary purpose is to redistribute bees, either to equalize colony strength or to create specific configurations within the hive. This technique can also be used to harvest excess bees to fill nucs, packages, or installing directly into new hive equipment.

2. Shaking for Population Management

Beekeepers may shake frames with nurse bees from strong colonies into weaker colonies. This equalizes population strength, ensuring that each hive has an adequate number of worker bees to perform essential tasks such as foraging, brood care, and hive maintenance. This practice helps prevent issues like population imbalances, colony decline, swarming, and overpopulation. 

3. Creating Nucleus Colonies

Shaking bees is a key step in the creation of nucleus colonies or nucs. By carefully shaking frames with nurse bees, brood, and resources into a nucleus colony setup, beekeepers establish smaller yet self-sustaining bee colonies. Nucleus colonies serve various purposes, such as queen rearing and as a resource for replacing or strengthening existing hives.

4. Reducing Swarming Tendencies

Shaking bees can also be employed as a preventive measure against swarming. By redistributing worker bees, especially nurse bees responsible for caring for developing brood, beekeepers can help alleviate congestion within the hive. This reduces the likelihood of swarming, where a portion of the colony leaves with the old queen to establish a new hive.

Caging Royalty: The Intricacies of Queen Caging

1. Significance of Queen Caging

Queen caging is a delicate yet essential process in beekeeping. Whether it's to introduce a new queen, transport queens, or manage queenless hives, the art of queen caging ensures that the queen's introduction or relocation is smooth and controlled. Queen caging devices come in various forms, including plastic or wooden cages with candy plugs and/or attendant bees in the cage.

2. Introducing New Queens

When introducing a new queen to a hive, a caged queen allows for a gradual acceptance process. The queen is placed within the hive still in her cage, allowing worker bees to become accustomed to her pheromones and presence. This gradual introduction reduces the risk of rejection by the existing colony.

3. Transporting Queens

Queen caging is indispensable during the transportation of queens. Whether it's for shipping queens to other beekeepers or relocating queens within an apiary, caging ensures the queen's safety and well-being. The attendants in the cage provide necessary care and support during the journey.

4. Managing Queenless Hives

Managing a queenless hive involves swift intervention to introduce a new queen or provide a frame of eggs or young larvae for emergency queen rearing. Without a queen, the hive's productivity declines rapidly, so beekeepers must act promptly to maintain the colony's health and ensure its survival. While introduction of a new queen is the most common solution, other measures may be necessary to ensure a successful reinstatement of colony order. 

5. Candy and Cork Plugs for Time Release

Many queen cages are equipped with a blocking device to prevent the queen from escaping. These are most often made of cork or candy plugs. These plugs serve a dual purpose – they provide sustenance for the caged queen and act as a time-release mechanism. As worker bees gradually consume the candy, they release the queen into the hive. This gradual release enhances the acceptance of the new queen by the existing colony. 

A cork plug is a simple, traditional method where a small cork is used to block the entrance to the cage. The cork must be manually removed by the beekeeper to release the queen into the hive. This provides a more controlled release for the beekeeper, and know exactly when the queen was released into the hive.

Packaging Excellence: The Final Steps in Beekeeping

1. Preparing for Harvest

The culmination of the beekeeping process involves the harvesting and packaging of honey. Beekeepers carefully assess hive conditions, ensuring that the honey is ripe and ready for extraction. The decision to harvest is influenced by factors such as nectar flow, hive strength, and the overall health of the colony.

2. Extracting Honey

Extracting honey is a meticulous process that involves removing honey frames from the hive, uncapping the cells, and extracting honey from the comb. Various extraction methods, including centrifugal force or honey presses, are employed to separate honey from the comb. Beekeepers prioritize gentle handling to preserve the quality of the honey.

3. Filtering and Settling

After extraction, honey undergoes a filtering and settling process. This step removes impurities such as wax particles and ensures that the final product is clear and visually appealing. The honey is allowed to settle, allowing air bubbles and debris to rise to the top.

4. Jar Filling and Packaging

The final step involves filling jars with the harvested and processed honey. Beekeepers take care to choose high-quality jars that preserve the freshness and flavor of the honey. Proper labeling with information such as the honey's origin, floral source, and processing date adds value and transparency to the final product.

5. Quality Control and Storage

Beekeepers conduct quality control checks to ensure that the honey meets their standards for taste, aroma, and appearance. Once satisfied with the quality, the honey jars are sealed and stored in optimal conditions. Proper storage preserves the honey's quality and allows beekeepers to offer a premium product to consumers. If stored honey becomes granulated over time, glass jars can be heated in hot water to melt any crystals that have formed. 


The beekeeping process from newborn nucs to shaking, caging, and packing is meticulous. From placing nucs to shaking bees, caging queens, and carefully gathering and packing honey, each stage is vital to bee colony health and output.


Beekeepers, like conductors, choreograph these processes to match nature's rhythms and the hive's complex dynamics. Every stage in the delicate dance of beekeeping shows beekeepers' devotion, competence, and emotion. As we peel back this complex process, we see that beekeeping is an art form that celebrates the deep relationship between people and bees.